The Orisha of Disease, Healing, and the Hot Earth.
Infectious disease is a part of life like any other, and in Orisha religion his name is Babalu Ayé - the King of the World. Originally the much-feared deity of smallpox in Yorubaland, Babalu Aye has become the great healer among the Lucumí and their Dahomean sister religion in Cuba, the Arará, among whom he is known as Asojano. In fact, in Cuba they say that the Arará are the kingdom of Babalu Ayé, and it is often through Arará prayers, songs, and ceremonies that Lucumí worship Babalu Ayé.
Asojano is symbolized by the hot, dry earth that calls to mind the dry season in West Africa that brings the most pestilence. Despite the terror that many, both human and Orisha alike, feel towards him, Shangó and Oshún remind us of his gentle nature and vast knowledge of healing herbs and remedies. For this reason, is one of the most beloved Orisha by those who have received him, because he so often has saved their lives.
Asojano is the head of a group of mysterious Orisha of the earth, alongside the female Orisha Nanu and Nana Buruku. Though they are approached cautiously, this family of austere Orisha, like Babalu himself, are known to provide incredible healing for the sick and afflicted.