The Divine Hunter who Brings Justice.
Odé mata!
With his bow and arrows in hand, Ochossí is the Orisha of justice. Alongside his inseparable friends Eleguá and Ogún, Ochossí is a Warrior - one of the Orisha who protects and defends us from the difficulties in the world. Found both in the forest, hunting prey with Ogún, and in the palace of Obatala, Ochossí moves between two worlds.
Just as an arrow slices through the air, so too does Ochossí move: quick, quiet, and sharp. He is the magician of the Orisha, known for his special connection to Osain, the spirit of the plants whose leaves and roots provide the aché for solving both medical and spiritual problems.
Symbolized by metal bow and arrows, as well as deer antlers, Ochossí is found in all homes of Orisha worshippers - whether received in part alongside Ogún during the ceremony of the Warriors, or in full for his children and other priests who need more of his aché. Ochossí is the head Orisha of our ilé, urging us on in our collective commitment to social justice.
Painting of Oxóssi by Brazilian Orixa artist Menote Cordeiro.
With one foot in the forest and the other in the palace, Ochossí is both rough and refined. Just like the other Warriors, Ochossí takes hard liquor, but sweet anisette rather than the rum of his brothers Eleguá and Ogún. For the Lucumí, he dresses in blue and yellow, and takes offerings in multiples of seven.